Natalia Miranda’s Blog

MCO 425

My media usage

From my favorite audiobooks to engaging TV shows, shopping, and communicating with others, my days are filled with a vibrant mix of information and entertainment.

7:00 AM | WhatsApp, Instagram, Emails, Calendar

Like many, I wake up, grab my phone, and first open WhatsApp. Most of my family lives all over the country, so using a family group chat helps us stay connected. I open Instagram to check the news and connect with friends. I open my email religiously every morning to see what I miss or think I must finish. The calendar helps me organize all my school assignments as well as work responsibilities.

10:00 AM | Facebook, Audible, Spotify

Around 10 AM, I like engaging on Facebook, a habit I’m trying to grow out of. Audible is my favorite app ever. I discovered how much I enjoy listening to books and/or reading while listening to the book. My current read is The Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. Spotify is my go-to music app. Any time I’m driving, I connect to Bluetooth and pick a playlist made by me.

1:00 PM | Club Ready, Gmail, Spruce

Around this time, I will be getting to work. The program we use is Club Ready Connect, where we connect with members, co-workers, and managers. Opening my work email is a must, and I usually catch up on some schoolwork at this time. On this particular day, I used Spruce to send a secure private message to my primary care provider, enquiring about the follow-up lab work I needed.

5:00 PM | Amazon, LinkedIn

I rely a lot on Amazon for some house necessities. It is more accessible and affordable to find things like hand soap, disinfecting wipes, and kitchen gadgets on Amazon. Plus, paying for the Prime membership gives me next-day and sometimes even same-day shipping. LinkedIn is always open on my phone, and I’m constantly looking for and applying to remote jobs.

6:00 PM | Whatsapp, FaceTime

WhatsApp is again being used to reach out to family, and I opened FaceTime to contact my brother. We had a video chat, and this was a moment that made me appreciate technology. It is incredible how connected you feel to others.

10:00 PM | Youtube, Amazon Prime Video

By this time, my boyfriend and I were getting ready to unwind and relax after a long day. We had been watching COPS on their YouTube channel. By the end of the night, we had used Amazon Prime Video to watch the latest Transformers movie.


In conclusion, creating a 24-hour media diary helped me understand my media consumption pattern and gain insight into my habits and behaviors. Regarding credibility, I find Audible a highly reliable source because the books are curated by reputable publishers and authors, ensuring that the content is well-researched and trustworthy. Similarly, my email, particularly work and school-related, is a credible source of information as it comes directly from known and reliable contacts. For news, while I do use Instagram, I cross-reference essential news stories with established news websites to ensure accuracy. This practice helps me stay informed with credible and reliable information. As I continue to explore media literacy, this diary is a foundational step toward becoming more mindful and critical in my media consumption.

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